
920 Installs

AntiFreeze.NET - the network connection monitoring and diagnostic tool. The main goal of the application is to permanently monitor network connection and issue notices when something go wrong. Any of the diagnostic tools can be launched by a few mouse clicks.

AntiFreeze.NET will require no attention until you need it or something happens.


  • Connection quality monitoring and showing it graphs in real time.
  • Gathering statistics of network traffic and connection quality.
  • Fast and easy network information obtaining (DNS, UPnP devices and others).
  • Tray icon style interface which doesn’t clutter up your taskbar.
1.6k Installs 1.0.1

BrokenMouse is a mouse clipper for old games (mostly strategic ones) on multimonitor systems. Games developed when multimonitor configuration was extemely rare case don't know that they should keep mouse only in used monitor, so you can occasionally get it out and unintentionally unfocus the game. BrokenMouse is designed to stop this.


  • Clip the mouse cursor for fullscreen application.
  • Automatic or manual enabling of mouse clipping.
  • Tracking the screen resolution to clip to.
  • (optional) Disable Windows key when clipping is on.
3.9k Installs 1.4.0

The BrokenURL is a Windows URL router. When something tries to open URL, the BrokenURL will ask you whether to and in which exactly browser to open it. Any URL opened from external apps (installers; uninstallers; even IM messagers like Skype and other similiar) are in control now.


  • "Open URL with" browser selection dialog.
  • Private tabs support for all browsers.
  • Presets for usual browser choices for different sites and URL source apps.
  • Shorteners support to reveal the original URL.
  • Free, no ads, no telemetry or spying.

Control how you open the URLs!

1.1k Installs

The main goal of the Obfuscar Mapping Parser is parsing Obfuscar's output (original-obfuscated mapping files) and deobfuscationg stacktraces created from obfuscated applications.


  • Parsing Obfuscar mapping files.
  • Exploring and search in classes tree.
  • Deobfuscation of the stacktraces.
  • Analysis of items were missing in mapping and failed to deobfuscate.

All copyrights to the "Obfuscar" name are reserved to its author.

548 Installs 1.0

BrokenEvent.Terminator is a tool to kill selected processes immediately in a single mouse click. Even today some of applications are unstable and have to be closed and/or restarted from time to time. BrokenEvent.Terminator is made to make it fast and comfortable.

You can define the applications which you occasionally want to be closed and if time has come - call BrokenEvent.Terimator to do it in a single mouse click.


  • Tracking of user-defined applications.
  • List of active user-defined applications without need to call Task Manager and find them.
  • Kill process or similar processes in single mouse click.
  • Show resource usage of processes to determine which one should be closed.

BrokenWindow is designed to investigate all the properties of a window in Windows OS we can access. Everything which can be changed outside of the window and Windows Kernel is allowed to be changed within the app.


  • Investigate/change common properties of a window: states, name, position/size, layered stuff, etc.
  • Investigate/change DWM properties: non-client stuff, composition stuff.
  • Investigate/change style properties: window style, extended style, class style.
  • Post/Send window messages to a window. Including custom messages generated by RegisterWindowMessage.

BrokenEvent.FLVEx is a file fixer/metadata injector for FLV files.


  • Packet timestamps fix. This will fix length for semibroken video streams.
  • Packet filtering. Will filter all packets, which aren't supported by videoplayers from videostream. Remaining packets will be:
    • AMFMetadata - stream/file settings/metadata
    • VideoPayload - video data packet
    • AudioPayload - audio data packet
  • Metadata injection.
  • Metadata removal.
  • Includes batch tool for multiple files processing.

A commandline tool to be used as a part of build-chain to add/change application's main icon and add additional icons (to be used for file extensions or protocols which could be opened by the app).


  • Adding/change main application's icon.
  • Adding additional icons to executable.
  • Commandline interface.
  • Supports raw .ico files.

C# Assembly unused classes/references/resources cleaner.


  • Used/unused classes analysis.
  • Unused classes cleanup.
  • Unused references clanup.
  • Unused resources cleanup.
  • Custom entry points for types that don't refernced, but should remain.
  • Hide private types with internal access modifier.
  • WPF/BAML support.

Scary word ISULR is just an InnoSetup Uninstall Logs Reader. The only its purpose is reading and exploring uninstall records written by InnoSetup installers.

InnoSetup is a well-known and very popular installer system. You can read about it more here. This project is completely side project and not associated with neither InnoSetup, nor its author.


  • Read InnoSetup uninstall log records (uninsXXX.dat files).
  • Explore applications installed with InnoSetup.
  • Explore records content, related files, registry entries and other data.
  • Export records to TXT, CSV and XML.

Theme Elements Explorer is used to explore the Windows theme elements, their states, parts, etc. It is used to aid the development of Windows applications with using Windows themes in custom way.


  • Exploring the theme elements of the currently running Windows OS.
  • Preview for each of element or its state.