FLVEx Usage
BrokenEvent.FLVEx.exe %inFile [outFile] [-filter] [-fix] [-fixMeta] [-noMeta] [-preserve] [- from %0] [-to %1]
- Input FLV file.
- Output filename. Will overwrite input file if omitted. Optional.
, -f
- Filters packets which are not required for video playback. Optional.
- Fixes video timestamps. This will fix video duration for broken files. Optional.
, -meta
- Fixes/adds metadata to the file. Optional.
- Removes metadata from file. Not compatible with fixMeta. Optional.
- Preserves last file changes date of the file on overwrite. Optional.
- Time of start of cut region, in seconds. Optional.
- Time of end of cut region, in seconds. Optional.
FLVEx.Batch Usage:
BrokenEvent.FLVEx.Batch.exe %inDir [-ext .flv] [-recurse] [%outDir] [-filter] [-fixTime]
[-fixMeta] [-noMeta] [-preserve] [-parallel] [-wait] [-ignore] [-memCache]
- Input search directory.
- Files extension. Default is ".flv" Optional.
, -r
- Enables subdirectories scan. Optional.
outDir - Output directory. Will overwrite input files if omitted. Will overwrite files in output directory without prompt. Optional.
, -f
- Filters packets which are not required for video playback, including broken packets. Optional.
, -fix
- Fixes video timestamps. This will fix video duration for broken files. Optional.
, -meta
- Fixes/adds metadata to the file. Optional.
- Removes metadata from file. Not compatible with fixMeta. Optional.
- Preserves last file changes date of the file on overwriting. Optional.
- Enables parallelism. May lead to significant RAM, CPU and I/O us age. Will use 2 * Cores threads. Optional.
- Enables waiting for input on errors. May conflict with parallel processing. Optional.
- Ignore errors instead of exiting at once. Files with errors will be skipped. Optional.
, -mem
- Loads files into memory to reduce I/O operations. May consume significant amount of RAM, especially when used with -parallel
. Optional.